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Writing Arguments

Author: Ms. K

The purpose of writing an argument is to persuade an audience of something.

Every argument is based on the concept of claims, evidence and impacts.

A claim is a statement of something that should be or something that is arguable.

Every argument must make at least one claim, provide evidence for that claim,
and then explain how that claim impacts the argument as a whole.

Arguments will have multiple claims, and claims will probably have multiple piecies of evidence.

After this, arguments usually include a counterargument in which the claim states that a specific point the opponent makes is wrong, the evidence reveals proof of this and the impact links back to how this counterargument influences the bigger argument.

Source: Made by Ms. K

Elements of Persuasion

When you write a persuasive paper, it is important to consider how you are persuading your audience. There are three main ways to do so, and the most persuasive people touch on all three.

Source: Made by Ms. K

Writing Claims

Writing a claim is simple. Just consider the reasons why your argument is true; each of these reasons is a claim!

Source: Made by Ms. K using

Writing Impacts

Concluding statements for your paragraphs of argumentative writing are also called impacts, and writing them is good idea because they link everything together. In your paragraphs you should have a claim and evidence to support that claim; the last thing you need is an impact in which you link your claim back to the general argument.

Source: Made by Ms. K using

Acknowledging Opposing Views

Acknowledging opposing arguments before they are even made lets you get a step up in persuasion. Just consider what claim your opponent is making and say something like, "Opponents say," or "Individuals often believe that," and then state their point fairly and succinctly. Once you have made their point continue with your counterpoint and evidence as to how their point is not true.

Source: Made by Ms. K using

Connecting Evidence and Inferences

When writing a persuasive essay, you will use evidence and logic to support your chain of thought.  The trick is to integrate these into the writing as a whole.

There are three recommendations to connect evidence and inferences to the rest of your persuasion

  1. Cite the source.  Saying the credentials in the text adds to the persuasion; people want to know if the evidence seems reliable to them.
  2. Reveal all parts of your logic.  If you skip a step, people will be less inclined to believe you.
  3. Acknowledge your use of evidence and logic.  Saying things like, "and evidence for this comes from..." or "logically the next step is..." will help people to follow your train of thought.


Source: Made by Ms. K

Ways to Organize Persuasive Writing

Source: Made by Ms. K