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Graph of an Exponential Equation

Author: Sophia

what's covered

1. The Graph of y = abx

To learn more about the graph of the equation y equals a b to the power of x, let's look at a specific case.


Below is a sketch of the graph y equals 2 to the power of x. Notice that the base b to the exponential expression is 2, and there is an implied scalar multiplier of 1 in front of this expression, which would be the a in the equation:

We see that, in this case, as x gets larger (approaches positive infinity), the value of y also increases (it approaches positive infinity as well). On the other hand, as x gets smaller (approaches negative infinity), the value of y gets smaller as well, but it approaches zero, rather than negative infinity.

This behavior is characteristic of exponential functions with a base larger than 1. If the base was between 0 and 1, then the behavior would be much different: y would tend towards zero as x gets larger, but tend toward infinity as x gets smaller.


Consider the graph y equals 10 to the power of x.

We have the same general behavior as in the previous graph, however, things are more dramatic: as x becomes more positive, y increases, but at a faster rate than in the previous graph. This is because a larger base number is being raised to a positive exponent. Similarly, as x becomes more negative, y decreases in value (approaching zero), but at a faster rate than in the previous graph. This is we can think of y being divided by a larger number each time x decreases in value.

Remember, the base can never be less than 0.

2. The y-intercept of y = bx vs. y = abx

The y-intercept to any equation is the point on the graph at which the line or curve touches or crosses the y-axis. This always occurs when x equals 0.


Let's return to the equation y equals 2 to the power of x. When x equals 0, y evaluates to 1, because any base number raised to a power of zero is 1. So we can say when x equals 0, y equals 2 to the power of 0 equals 1. That must mean this also holds true for the equation y equals 10 to the power of x from the second example above.

For the equation y equals b to the power of x, the y-intercept is at the point (0, 1) because when x equals 0, y equals 1.

But what about the y-intercept of equations in the form y equals a b to the power of x? We already know that b to the power of xevaluates to 1 when x equals 0 for any base. We can deduce that the y-intercept depends on the value of a in this case.

For the general exponential equation y equals a b to the power of x, the y-intercept has the coordinates open parentheses 0 comma space a close parentheses.

big idea
  • For equations in the form y equals b to the power of x, the y-intercept has coordinates (0, 1).
  • For equations in the form y equals a b to the power of x, the y-intercept has coordinates open parentheses 0 comma space a close parentheses.

3. Features of the Graph of y = abx

The general exponential equation y equals a b to the power of x has a positive a and a positive x. If we reverse the signs of a and x in the general exponential equation, we end up with different variations of the general exponential curve. More specifically, these are reflections about either the x- or y-axes or perhaps both, if the signs of both a and x are reversed. These patterns are illustrated in the graphs below:

Let's look at the characteristics of each case.

3a. Positive a, Positive Exponent

Having a positive a and a positive exponent is the general exponential equation:

y equals a b to the power of x

Suppose we have the equations y equals 3 times 2 to the power of x. In this graph, as x is tending toward positive infinity, y goes to positive infinity, and as x goes to negative infinity, y approaches 0.

3b. Positive a, Negative Exponent

Let's take a further look into the next comparison of having a positive or negative exponent, but still having a positive a.

y equals a b to the power of short dash x end exponent

Suppose now we have the equation y equals 3 times 2 to the power of short dash x end exponent. A similar equation to y equals 3 times 2 to the power of x, but this equation has a negative exponent. We can see that since negative x and positive x are opposite, their graphs have opposite effects. When our exponent is negative, as x approaches positive infinity, now y is approaching 0, and as x is approaching negative infinity, then our y is approaching positive infinity.

3c. Negative a, Positive Exponent

The next characteristic we'll look at is comparing the equations and graphs of exponential equations when the value of a comma the number in front of the base, is positive or negative.

y equals short dash a b to the power of x

Suppose we still have our original exponential equation y equals 3 times 2 to the power of x. Let's compare that to the equation and graph of y equals short dash 3 times 2 to the power of x. In the graphs, we can see that it looks like the graph is reflected over the x-axis. When the a value is negative, as the x-values approach positive infinity, the y-values approach negative infinity. It's decreasing instead of increasing. Also, notice that as the x-values approach negative infinity, the y-values are still approaching 0 as they were with a graph of our equation with a positive a value.

3d. Negative a, Negative Exponent

Finally let's look at the characteristics of exponential equations that have both a negative a value and a negative exponent.

y equals short dash a b to the power of short dash x end exponent

Suppose now we have the equations y equals 3 times 2 to the power of x and y equals short dash 3 times 2 to the power of short dash x end exponent. This second equation has both a negative a value and a negative exponent. When the equation has a negative a and negative exponent, as the x-values approach positive infinity, we see that the y-values approach 0, and as the x-values approach negative infinity, we see that the y-values are also approaching negative infinity.

big idea
bold italic y bold equals bold italic a bold italic b to the power of bold x bold italic y bold equals bold italic a bold italic b to the power of bold short dash bold x end exponent
table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell x rightwards arrow infinity comma space y rightwards arrow infinity end cell row cell x rightwards arrow short dash infinity comma space y rightwards arrow 0 end cell end table table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell x rightwards arrow infinity comma space y rightwards arrow 0 end cell row cell x rightwards arrow short dash infinity comma space y rightwards arrow infinity end cell end table
bold italic y bold equals bold short dash bold italic a bold italic b to the power of bold x bold italic y bold equals bold short dash bold italic a bold italic b to the power of bold short dash bold x end exponent
table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell x rightwards arrow infinity comma space y rightwards arrow short dash infinity end cell row cell x rightwards arrow short dash infinity comma space y rightwards arrow 0 end cell end table table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell x rightwards arrow infinity comma space y rightwards arrow 0 end cell row cell x rightwards arrow short dash infinity comma space y rightwards arrow short dash infinity end cell end table

An equation in the form a b to the power of x is an exponential equation. The graph of bold italic b to the power of bold x has certain characteristics. The y-intercept of bold italic a bold italic b to the power of bold x function is equal to the value of a in the equation. Other features of the graph include looking at cases when a is negative and when the exponent is negative. A negative exponent reflects the graph over the y-axis. while a negative a coefficient reflects the graph over the x-axis.